Iris Obscura by Joanna Manousis

Joanna has studied her PHD at the National Glass Centre. Her work is an in-depth research into the endless possibilities of mirror applications to interior cast glass spaces.
Iris Obscura, solo exhibition by Joanna Manousis in Abject gallery, Sunderland.
Photography by Jo Howell 2024
Iris Obscura, solo exhibition by Joanna Manousis in Abject gallery, Sunderland.
Photography by Jo Howell 2024

I thought you might enjoy these photographs I took of the exhibition and talk last night at Abject Gallery in Fawcett Street, Sunderland.

As a photographer who works in analogue I can totally relate to the never ending subtleties and nuances of using chemistry.

Obviously, there are many more high risk variables involved in glass making than I would ever have to deal with but as Joanna explained the wheels within wheels I felt excited for her ongoing investigations.

Iris Obscura, solo exhibition by Joanna Manousis in Abject gallery, Sunderland.
Photography by Jo Howell 2024

Then I remembered that her livelihood, as well as 100s of others who have come to rely upon the vast wealth of experience and specialist facilities of the National Glass Centre. That shimmering constellation upon the wall was representative of all of us.

I’m interested in optics and the unique ability of glass to scatter, diffuse, direct, reflect, refract, split or focus light.

The importance of glass to the science of seeing and observation cannot be underestimated. The Iris Obscura purposefully representing eyes and the process of looking.

To really look at something is an art in itself.

Iris Obscura, solo exhibition by Joanna Manousis in Abject gallery, Sunderland.
Photography by Jo Howell 2024

To look at it again and again ad infinitum.

To still be excited at the endless possibilities is the beautiful madness of creatives and scientists alike.

Iris Obscura, solo exhibition by Joanna Manousis in Abject gallery, Sunderland.
Photography by Jo Howell 2024

At 25 years old the National Glass Centre is really just coming into its stride. The prestige and power to coalesce great minds is hard won and will be an irrevocable loss to all of us.

Each surface and approach is unique. Coming together to add to a wealth of the whole. As we are from the stars it felt right to mirror that.

Joanna Manousis 2024

Iris Obscura, solo exhibition by Joanna Manousis in Abject gallery, Sunderland.
Photography by Jo Howell 2024

Please sign our petition and share our campaign ❤️ we have to make it untenable for everyone to accept the loss of the National Glass Centre.

#savethenationalglasscentre #joannamanousis #glassart #ukglass #nationalglasscentre

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