What do you think? Save the National Glass Centre Campaign

Opinion article by Gill Helps

Published Saturday 22nd July 2023.

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Exhibition photograph inside the National Glass Centre by Gill Helps

I’d just like to say the NGC and St. Peter’s Church belong close to eachother, as the first piece of stained glass in Britain – a skill learned from artisans from Gaul – was installed in St. Peter’s Church. I can’t imagine the NGC being anywhere else, because of these strong historical links with St. Peter’s. Nothing else makes sense.

Also, if it was relocated, where would the NGC be relocated to? What site has the space for glass blowing, studios, exhibition, meeting and learning spaces, shop and large café/restaurant? Would it cost more than refurbishing the NGC, and would people be less likely to visit if it was on a different site?

Exhibition photograph inside the National Glass Centre by Gill Helps

Over the years the NGC has been well loved by many. My own family have enjoyed making happy memories such as Mother’s Day lunches, half term pancake events for children, glass blowing, and of course, walking over the glass roof, to mention a few. I often walk along the riverside sculpture trail and as a keen amateur photographer, I have taken many photos of the NGC. I sometimes stop for a cuppa and meet friends there. The NGC is amazing, something for Sunderland to be proud of.

I am passionate about keeping the NGC in its current location and pray that somehow the money can be found to save it. 

Gill Helps

Do you have a story about why we should save the National Glass Centre? Are you a glass artist? Architect? Teacher?

We want to hear from you!

Contact SaveTheNGC@gmail.com with your submissions.

#SavetheNationalGlassCentre #SavetheNGC

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