Councillor Wood submits the petition of 21,181 signatures from Save the National GLASS Centre campaign to Sunderland Council 14/06/23

The fantastic support from the Liberal Democrat councillors, and the Conservative Councillors in the Sunderland area has been something to be proud of.

Councillor Wood presented the petition to the council for consideration and informed them of our public meeting. This brought many opposing political parties together, once more demonstrating the intrinsic value of having such a fantastic public building dedicated to glass making.

The petition will be discussed as a point in the next meeting. The public are encouraged to submit a question to the council for their next meeting.

You can watch the full meeting on the council’s YouTube in the live stream section:

Keep questioning, keep visiting the National Glass Centre, and keep harping on to anyone who will listen about why saving the National Glass centre is so important to us all.

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